Monday, April 5, 2010

What I'm Reading Now

Thanks, Carolyn, for the spring break read, This Book is Overdue! How Librarians and Cybrarians Can Save us All, by Marilyn Johnson. As usual, I'm very much behind my planned goal of finishing the book by the time we get back to school tomorrow. But I'm at the chapter entitled 'The Blog People' which documents the prolific creation of blogs by a new generation of tech-savvy, irreverant librarians. And it seemed an appropriate time to practice blogging and inserting a book cover!

Some of the blog titles that Marylin mentions and which I'm definitely going to check out (just based on the fun name):

Miss Information

The Obnoxious Librarian from Hades

Free Range Librarian

Librarian's Rant

Info Babe

Wow, I'm feeling really boring with this name - should have been a little more creative?

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